Friday, June 19, 2009

Multi-Purpose Furniture

Alright, let's get started:

Multi-purpose furniture is awesome! Most of us don't have the space for two couches, an office and a dining room, using key furniture items to morphe into different uses is a smart idea.

I give you:


Ottomans, are a smart choice for those of us that like to have company but don't have the space to accomodate everyone we'd like.

This lovely ottoman comes from target and can double as a coffee table.

Like this:

via Apartment Therapy

If you're having people over, all you have to do is move it to the side, angle it and viola! instant seating and free space in the middle for, may I say, dancing!

Another way to use an ottoman if you don't have the space for the coffee table trick is setting them on the side against a wall (see the picture above), toss a couple of pillows or pile books (neatly) on top and you've managed to use it in more than one way.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Thing is First

Take a look at your space!

It has potential, you know it and I know it! There is a reason why you agreed to live in it, right?

Don't focus on the space you wish you had. Focus on the beautiful outcome you're bound to have and embrace it.

This is a picture of my apartment living/dining room (all in one). Not much of a looker, I know!

Interesting enough, I knew it was the one from the moment I walked in, not to mention it was the best looking one for my $$$

Welcome to Small Space Dwellers!

It was a rough 4 months but I finally finished my space. I'm an LA native but when I decided to move out on my own I soon realized the renters market wasn't on my side. I ended up with an apartment a little over 500 square feet. After months of tossing, re-arranging and moments of despair I finally found ways to make my space work. I can't see myself living anywhere else (it's tempting, I'm not going to lie). In the end, "it's all about making space."

Here you'll find tips, ideas, inspirations, and some of the journeys I have and will encounter. I'm also a DIY kind of girl, so you'll see a lot of my projects too.

Welcome, and thanks for stopping by!